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The Foundation for the Basilica of Saint Francis in Assisi is a non-profit making organization established on 16 February 2002 by the General Custody of the Sacred Convent of St. Francis in Assisi. The Foundation’s  headquarters are situated in the Sacred Convent in Assisi. Its objectives are the protection, promotion and enhancement of the religious, historical and monumental heritage represented by the Basilica and the Sacred Convent of St. Francis of Assisi in Assisi, Italy. These objectives are to be achieved in collaboration with other authorities and entities specifically appointed for the purpose.

The Foundation’s objectives, under the heading of protection, include developing projects for security, safety, environment and peace, according to the Franciscan Spirit, not only inside but also outside the site, both on Italian territory and abroad. The advancement of such projects is due to the knowledge and skills provided through collaboration with both Italian and international parties.

In its achievement of these goals, the Foundation is grateful for the voluntary and free-of-charge contribution of all the individuals and organizations that participate in the various projects, by providing their knowledge and skills. The Foundation is also grateful for the financial support of its generous donors.